SDBGDS (kinda long)


SDBGDS = Sudden Diamond Back Goby Death Syndrome (At least thats what I'm calling it until I find out what happened)
Heres the story...
My Diamond Back Goby was sitting on the bottom of the tank and all of a sudden swam up to the top as fast as he could, jumped out of the water, and then swam back down twiching and spasing. 2 Seconds later (it was really only 2 sec.), he was laying on his back with his mouth wide open. He was dead. He died instantly. Does anyone have an idea of what may have happened? I got him on Sunday and he took very well. He made his hole and he was sifting sand very happily. When this happened, he was not sifting sand or anything, he was just sitting there. My water parms a very good... Amonia 0, NO2 0, NO3 5ppm, PO4 .1, Temp 78, PH was 8.0 this morning. Since My PH was 8.0 this morning, I did add Kent Super dKH buffer to rais my Alk and PH. I also added Kent Iodine this morning. Does anyone have any ideas?
Oh yeah....After this happened, I watched him for about 10 minutes to make sure he was dead and not just unconcious.
- Tom


Active Member
WOW! That is wierd, sorry I don't know why this happened, but wanted to post and bring you back to the top for a second time through. I hope someone is able to help you..
And welcome to the board..Lisa


When he jumped out of the tank did he maybe bump his head and fall down, or just swim down? That seams very wierd, I never heard of something like that.


He did hit his head on my canopy when he jumped out and I thought maybe he was just knocked out. But when I checked him, he was dead alright. The owner of my LFS thinks he may have had a heart attack... but then again, he's never seen that happen before either. I guess it's gonna be a big mistery...
- Tom


Well I have never heard of that either till 1 had my 1st death. It was my blonde naso tang and it did almost the same thing yours did. It swam up then down then mine did vertical loops and then just died like yours. I only had him 2 days. He was eating fine and everything. I have asked many of ppl about it and NO ONE knows what happened. The other fish that I bought at the same time are doing great. I cant help you in what it is but i can tell you that it has happened be4. That is the only death I have had except for my trigger eating some fish.