Sea Anemones


New Member
Hello All,
I am new at this site. I have a 55 g reef tank with 220 watts VHO light. I have a flowerpot (growing big), mushrooms, finger leather. Two clown fish, royal gamma and beauty coral angel. Now my problem is, I could not keep the sea anemones alive in my tank for more than 3 days. They fell apart and made my tank water cloudy and stink. I have tried about 6 different types including the rock anemones. Is there any secret to keep sea anemones?
I had a seabate before in a 29 g. The anemone died when I moved it to the 55 g. My water parameters Ammonia: 0, Nitrate: 0, Nitrite: 0. Buffer 8.2-8.4. Salinity at 1.023. These are the only things I test. Thanks in advance.


Check Copper Anemones do not do well if it's present in the tank. I have also been told but am not sure that even experts have difficulty keeping anemones alive more than 2 years in aquariums. So you might want to think it over before purchasing another.

mr hanky

ill tell you about my experiances i have killed 3 but i now have (fingers crossed, knocking on wood!!!) a purple with blue tip sebae that is doing wonderful eats like crazy and is getting bigger by the week!! they just seem to be hit and miss. i do think the amount and time of shipping and handiling have something to do with this!! i have found a certain website that has very quality stuff and very rare color and unuasal corals on hand all the time, i have had great luck with him!!! ever seen blood red ( i mean really deep aaaalllll red) zooanthid polyps?!! hes got em!! hth robby