sea anemones


New Member
I have had a couple anenomes, and have not been very successful. They last acouple of weeks and then die. The only reason I want it is that I want the clown to get into it. he clown also has never gotten into one of my anenomes. How do I keep the anenomes alive and how do I make my clown get in there?:confused:


You can't, they will or they won't --it's all up to the fish, I have clowns and no anenome. They don't have to have one.


Active Member
Anemones can be very difficult to keep alive, they need just the right conditions, a couple questions. How old is your tank? What are your water parameters? and what is your lighting like?
Also if the clown is tank raised he probably won't go in the anemone, most tank raised clowns won't go in anemones, then some clowns just don't go in anemones at all.


I too have a question here... I have an established tank 20 gal with a niger trigger and a large percula maroon the clown and my long tenicaled aneome have paired . The problem is my clown worries the anenmoe to the point that the aneome is p.o'd or it can't come out of it's body. It comes out to feed "silver sides" but retracts after that. My water conditions are premo. What next?