sea anenimies r shrinkin??


can someone please tell me if its normal for my enenimies to shrink then turn differnt color, then retract and bloom again, is this normal, they eat krill and shrimp well, i have 6 x 54 watt lighting on them?? any help out there??!!!


Active Member
anemoneas will take in and expel water through out the day.... when they expel the water they shrivel up and get very small.. but they should then start to fill back up with water within an hour they do this to get new water in them which they can filter out food and use the oxygen..... its a completely normal situation... the only thing that is not normal for anemoneas is to change colors.... if your anemoneas are changing from a nice green or whatevere color they are to white thats not good...
when anemoneas turn white they are losing there ZOO algea which gives them a lot of there nourishment...
how big is your tank?? anemoneas are wierd i have had good luck with my RBTA but my sebae had died after 3 months


hi murph,
my tank is 150 gal. i have 5 my rock enen, is doin great my 2 purple tips seem good, they do bloom again , i was just wonderin cause i want to feed them all at once but it seems like 1 or 2 r always in a small ball, my sebae is beautiful, and looks healthy BUT, he wont take hold a nuttin to hang on he always floats around,, thanks again


mixing critters? what do you mean greatful, what is imo?? sorry im new at this, should i add to my lighting or ?? let me know thanks


Active Member
When you mix anenomie species they pretty much declare war on each other by releasing toxins into the water column. They also need powerfull lighting Metal Halide being optimum but VHO can be sucessfull. Generally you need to look at 5 - 6 watts of lighting per gallon of tank capacity...your 150 will need between 700 and 850 watts of light. :)


I'm curious. Why would you buy so many ANEMONES when you've not researched their needs & have inadequet lighting on the tank?? You have a whole 324watts of what I assume is just NO bulbs over a 150g tank. That cannot support *most* anemones even if you feed them. Get a clue & reseach their requirements?


Active Member
ok theres no need to be rude here.... lots of people are misinformed to what they can and can not succefully keep...
this is a forum to help people learn and not make the mistakes again.... bagging on someone isnt positive.... many times someone and this has happened to me before goes to a LFS store and you count on them to tell u the truth but many times they will say yeah it should be fine just to sell you the animal they are not as concerned for its health as just to make a couple bucks.....
ive never heard that different species can not be kept in the same tank i have 3 LT and 2 RBTA's they seem to be doing fine in my tank especially the RBTA's currently i have 270W PC over my 92 gallon tank but im actually upgrading next week getting a new cannopy and putting close to 400W over the tank to help the anemoneas survive longer and so that i can keep some corals
as long as your anemoneas keep there color and dont turn white then they should be healthy.... trying to time them to feed all at once can be tricky so u might have to feed some early in the day and the others later when they are enlarged again...


You have a whole 324watts of what I assume is just NO bulbs over a 150g tank. That cannot support *most* anemones even if you feed them. Get a clue & reseach their requirements?
This is uncalled for. If you are going to bash someone, at least know what you are talking about so YOU don't look like the idiot. The lights he has are t5s if I am correct. These are almost as good as metal halides. Rock anemones are low light anemones and should be fine. The sebaes are the concern. I would add some more light for them as they are a high light anemone. Mixing anemones can be dangerous. If you have hosting clowns they can actually sting the anemones going from one to the other. If the anemones are in close proximity, they can also release chemicals and have a chemical warfare so to speak.


I appreciate your help CADDY, And MURPH!!! And for REEF GIRL ,, this is why im on here asking for help, i was told by the fish store that my lighting was good, and i purchased the anenimies from salt water fish, and heard that 4 would be ok in a 150 Gal. so im just worried about their health, and trying to learn all i can, so reefgirl get a clue and love life dont be a hater life is good when you ask questions, not be a know it all!!!
thanks guys!!!


Active Member
im glad others feel the same as me that this site it to help others in need of information to make there saltwater aquarium a better and safer place for there inhabitants to survive in....
not to say that we dont get irritated from time to time how some people do certain things that might get u mad but once again this is a site built for everyone to help each other out...
this is a hard hobby to master everyone goes through issues of learning and mistakes ive been doing it for almost 2 years and its only till recently that i got online and have learned a lot more that i had previously known...


If you think about it 7 anemones in a 150 tank isn't much. At my LFS I visit often has 4 different types in a 20 gal set up. He says that every morning he has to see if they are in the same spot but if 1 moves then he keeps a closer eye on them.
As for changeing in color my anemone not 100% sure which kind it is but when he shrinks up in a ball my blue tip turns to the color of almost blck. But he is like this about an hour or two then comes back. This only happens like every 3 weeks or so. I have had this guy for about 8 months now.


wwfstyle, yes thats what mine do, i was just worried that was not normal, for i knew they grasp the food with thir sticky tenticles then pull them selves inside to feed on them, murf set me straight , they do this to rejuvinate them selfs, with fresh water, they exstract and realease the old water , i hope and think they r doin good, but i am worried about my sebae, he looks grat and big .,, healthy but he is a wonderer, i hope he is not plannin a chemical attack on my others!!!:notsure:


I read this some where but dont remember where. And please if I am wrong please correct me. I read that if you have an anemone that is wondering you coul use a plastic strainer and place over him. All you need to do is increase the water flow towards that dirrection and hopefully he will stay after you take the strainer off of him. I heard that you could place it over then when the lights go out and then take it off the next morning. Give this a try and see what he likes. He mightbe just trying to find a place to settle down but haveing some difficulties finding a place. Do you have good water flow through out your tank? In my 75 I have 4 MJ1200 plus the return pump from my sump. 2 of my MJ are in the back bottom corner with PVC pipe going under my LR and 2 others that are in the front top pointing towards the other sides corner.


i think i have plenty of water movement ,, you know i want to purchase a sump for this 150 gal aquarium, i have 2 huge canister filters with 2 big 3000 sonic power heads, do i need more, i like the rotating power heads, i want a couple, any ways thanks too you for the input!!!!
DENNIS hey you got any thing for sale?? i want some color in my tank let me know