Sea anmonea safe???


I have a 55gal tank with lots of live rock and a 9inch chianlink eel,striped puffer,lionfish and iam wondering is there a sea anmonea that will not kill them??:notsure:


with that setup it will be difficult to keep an anemone in there. I would recommend just not getting one, a lionfish, pufferfish, and eel are already quite a nice mix but you'll really be shooting yourself in the foot if you add an anemone to the mix as well. 1. It might get eaten. 2. They might get eaten. and 3. It may die due to poor water quality associated with keeping so many aggressive fish together in such a small tank and then as a result everything else may die from the toxins released by the anemone when it passes. Because anemones don't just die and fall over dead. They melt. It smells terrible and it makes an enormous mess.
I would avoid an anemone.


Oh I forgot anemones have a radically short lifespan in home aquariums. The average anemones living under 6 months and a very VERY small amount making it to 1-2 years. The longest I've heard of is 4 years and its very difficult to achieve that.
So yeah, they don't do well in the home aquarium and you are better off without one.


Active Member
Skip the anemone, too many ways for it to end bad. Had an anemone go belly-up in my big tank while out of town, came back two days later and had a few fish already starting to die.