sea apple

can anyone give me any info on this, they are very pretty, but what do they do, what are they good for? what type of care?


Active Member
They are indeed very nice, but need to be in a very peaceful aquarium. If anything stresses them out, they could totally nuke your entire tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Be sure to have good covers on your powerheads...
Oh yeah, I knew there was something I forgot. Definitely a must with a sea apple.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Oh yeah, I knew there was something I forgot. Definitely a must with a sea apple.


Active Member
Stay away unless you know exactly what you are doing and have a very peaceful and well established tank. When they die you won't know it right away and it will release toxin in your tank.
But they are very cool, I would love to have one but to me it isn't worth losing everything else I invested in my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pondboy
dam , i just bought one! if it dyes will it kill every thing?
Man u better be careful those things are worse than cukes when they expell. Id watch it real close. Im not sure, Does anyone know the life expectancy on sea apples?


Active Member
From what I read on them as long as you see the feeding tentacle out at least every couple to three days you have nothing to worry about. It is when you don't see the tentacles out for an extened period of time you have to worry. But I didn't do that much research on them becuase of the toxin's released on death or expulsion.


Originally Posted by Nick76
Man u better be careful those things are worse than cukes when they expell. Id watch it real close. Im not sure, Does anyone know the life expectancy on sea apples?

OK I'm really nervous now, I have a cuke :scared: .......what should I know about this little black guy? LFS sold him to me to help with my LS bed ????


Active Member
Is it on the sand?
There is a lot of missinformation about cucumbers.
Sea apples are basically one of THE MOST TOXIC animals we can keep. They are GREAT for species tanks...but not so great in just general tanks. YOu will have to dose liquid foods for this in order to keep it healthy. But if it is stressed, it has the potential to kill all of your fish.
Other cucumbers (and YES sea apples are cucumbers) are FAR less toxic than sea apples. Most are not much to worry about actually. They are either filter feeders or sand sifters. Sand sifters sift sand and eat organic matter and bacteria. Filter feeders like sea apples or other common cucumbers in the hobby need to have liquid diets (or small particles - rotifers, phytoplankton, etc).