Sea Apple


New Member
I am thinking about getting a Sea Apple. Does anyone have any experince with these? I do understand that they become toxic to the tank when they die, so I will deffintly keep an eye on him as to not ruin the tank. Food, light, current, friends, foes?
Thanx in Advance
Every article I have ever read about them says #1 don't get one, #2 if your set on getting one, reconsider and don't do it. I inherited one with the tank I just bought from some one at church...I took it in to the LFS for credit. As much money as I have in my tank, the last thing I need is a crash. HTH


Im sure that your dont want to hear this, but I agree, they REALLY are not an easy item to keep, and if you are interested on getting one no matter what, at least wait till you've been in the hobby quite awhile,
These creatures need special care and handling, mosr people think they are algae eaters..The sea apple is not..if not feed properly, they will shrink up, and fowl/kill your tank..They also occasionally release sperm/eggs into the water, and the eggs are poisonous to fish,but the fish love feeding on them..If they feel threatened, they will expell a sricky thread/internal organs and you will loose your tank...So again, pls think long and hard on this choice..
~Susie ;)


I had one for about five months and he did fine you just have to make sure you have time to take care of them. They are very heavy eaters. I feed mine once in the morning and once at night. They are probly one of the coolest creatures in the ocean. Most people explaine them as a time bomb waitng to explode. In my case and my opinion it just wasn't the case. I have dropped rocks on mine while aquascaping. Mine got into a fight with my rotating power head and lost. Even then I found him at my nightime feeding so he could have been dead for sometime. I ran carbon for a day and nothing happened. So in my opinion if you want one and have time to feed it get one they are great animals.

He may be gone but his memory lives on!