Sea Clear Tank with built in filtration


Has anyone ever used one of these type of tanks. I am looking for a new tank to set up when I move and I am kind of curious about these tanks that have the filtration hidden in the back of the tank. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to this type of tank


I had a tank like Sea Clears by Tenecor and I personally think they are horrible. You don't have a lot of room to aquascape, lose about 5-6inches. If you want to upgrade to a bigger pump you may not be able to do so because of the size issue. You also don't have many good skimmer options avalible. Finally, the bio balls are a nitrate factory. The only advantage that I can see is that there is no plumbing required. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I dont know much because I am such a newbie (my tank just finished cycling today), but I do know that I own a Seaclear System II 50 Gallon! The only problem I have is that due to having the built-in filtration system you lose about 20% of the width of the tank. It does look great though.