Sea Clone 150 Protein Skimmer?


Sorry but I'm sure this question has been asked a zillion times I have spent the last two hours looking for a thread on this but...
my new Protein Skimmer is putting small fine bubbles in my tank
Is this normal? will it quit after it's broken in? If I turn down the bubbles inside the PS then it won't produce any foam out the top.... its a sea clone 150! so if some one has this same model or has had please reply


I have 2 sea clone 100s on my tanks. The bubble issue occurs with them also. I have noticed that if you open up the venturi valve all the way, you still get high turbulance/air column in the tube, lots of skimate production and less bubbles. Watch the aior bubbles in the tank as you do this and you should see what I mean. Another suggestion I have heard is to put a piece of sponge where the water enters the tank to catch the bubbles.
Good Luck


Great, I noticed a difference w/ the Venturi Valve.... but there were still bubbles but I used a piece of filter pad that I cut and if I can find a rubber band I will strap it down but by me holding it there it does seem to work....