sea clone vs prism


New Member
I've got a Prizm on my 75 with a large wet/dry. Its a hangon right now and I'm thinkin of adding antoher skimmer for the sump although that may be over kill. the Prizm pulls out tons of gunk but I may use another. FO i'd go with wet/dry rather than emporers. the lfs in my area sell an awsome wetdry for a 75gal built by a local company its only around $160.


The emporers are wet/dry filters. I just bought my 400 today. Can't wait to get the lights and then off with the Eclipse. Not soon enough though, my anemone is not looking good. :eek:


New Member
If the power goes out on the prism,would over flow the tank.
Thank You for your help


Staff member
Forget the SEACLONE. I can't think of any piece of hobby equiptment that I have wasted more money and time on.
Prizm is a good buy for the cheapo price, but at 75gal you are kinda pushing it. If you need a narrow hangon skimmer and are willing to pay the extra bucks, go with RemoraPro, otherwise, the Prizm will do.


Active Member
If we are talking about the new Prizm Hang On Skimmer I just got one delivered yesterday. I saw it for the first time last week at my lfs on one of his tanks and was amazed at the amount of crud it pulled out in one day (he hadn't emptied it yet that morning) It was amazingly quiet and efficent. The box says it is rated to 100 gallons but I won't install it till next Tuesday when I am off and have time to fit the backsplash for it. The price here was 90 and where I got it it was 69 bucks. Someone else here mentioned they got one for 62 or 63 bucks so their are deals out there if you look hard enough.


Staff member
I've had both the SeaClone and Prizm, so I can say that ReefRanger is basically right. They are cheapo. SeaClone is really junk, thought, whereas Prizm does do a bit of work. Unless you are locked into under $100. skimmer, I'd also suggest getting a Remora or RemoraPro. It takes up the same space as a hangon as the Prizm.
Hi beth, well this summer I will be doing a test, keep the seaclone on reef and, going to sdd Berlin to our fish only tank 150 or bigger in sump were the seaclone is hangon, let all ya know when we do this....cya


I am on the same page with fixitdude. I have a seaclone that is pulling out plenty of the rankest smelling gunk in the world. I am totally happy with it. :)


How did you get your sea clone adjusted?? When It puts out enough bubbles to skim it dumps a lot of bubbles into my tank. If i add more bubbles it fills the cup up with water, less bubbles and I get nothing?
Any advice? I make an adjustment and let it run for about 30 min or so.