Sea Cucumber...rescued from sump, AGAIN!


Today I found my sea cucumber on top of my poly-filtration in my sump for the second time! There he lies with the water crashing down on him. The first time I picked him up w/a plastic spoon, dipped the spoon in the display tank water and he started moving. I set him down on the sand and he was as good as new.....within hours he had crawled to the top of the aquarium. Well 2 weeks later he found his way back to the sump...I'm assuming he crawls to the reservoir and gets sucked up by the siphon.
I am surprised he has made it through this ordeal twice. I heard they can release their innards if stressed, which can jeopardize the whole system...I can't imagine a worse stress than what he has been through. He is now cruising along the sand like nothing happened.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Anything I can do to fix it?
Here is his picture:


Here he is hanging out with my conch.
When I rescue him from the trickle filter he is smaller and loses his color.


Oh, my.. I've been lucky so far in that my cucumber hasn't gone down the drain into my sump, but my smaller percula clown did. I put netting over my drain pipe to prevent it from happening again.