Sea Cucumber???


Active Member
Just got this zoanthid rock, and it has a black, spiky worm lookin thing that came out of it. These are the best pics I could take. The only thing that I have found that looks close to this is a cucumber.



Active Member
Gosh, hard to say definitively. Keep an eye on it, in particular if you see feeding tentacles out one end of it (which will probably be highly branched tree like things).


Active Member
Well, now I can't find it! It crawled out of there (those pics were taken about 2 minutes after i put the rock in the tank) and now it is gone. Hopefully it isn't something really bad b/c there is no way I would catch it. If I find it again I will try to get better pics but the camera wanted to zoom on the surroundings instead of the "worm"
It looks like a Black Sand shifting cucumber.So if it is that, then it would have buried itself in your sandbed to keep it stored.. so would be a good hitchhiker.


Thats does look like some sort of cuke or nudibranch, but I would deffinately not say it is a sand sifter. There are nudibranchs that eat just about anything, but they seem to be very specific in what they eat. Keep an eye on it to try to find out what it eats. Some are good and some are bad, but very difficult to tell from a picture because there are so many kinds.


Active Member
Don't nudibanchs take on the color of the coral they eat? Keep an eye out like everyone said.