The only way you could get something like that in your tank (as it is quite aggressive) is to either hand feed the sea goblin, or you could aways get a bunch of grass shrimp or similar, and put them all in your tank. If you put a bunch of live feeder shrimp in the tank I think your goblin would get one every now and then, plus the shrimp could just live in your system and wouldn't do anything but supply a little bit of extra food for your other fish. My brother has one in a 110 gallon with a Volitan, a Trigger (I am not sure what kind, he just got it) a wartskin angler, and a clown grouper. Everything in the tank gets along, as they all know that there is plenty of food to go around. He just puts 30-40 grass shrimp in the tank at a time and lets them get picked off the rock naturally and that seems to work.