Sea hare for a 30 gallon tank?

I've fallen in love with sea hares! I think they're the cuttest things! I was wondering if one would do OK in a 30 gallon tank settup. I won't be to disapointed if it won't do well, It'll just be somthing to look forward too when I get a bigger tank!


It would run out of food pretty quick, within a few weeks i would say. So if you were willing to feed it algea sheets i guess it might do ok. But i would not recommend it, they eat ALOT. When i had mine it would munch through about a 4x4 inch area of thick hair algea in 1-2 hours. THats a whole lot if you are feeding it algea sheets. So i say no, people usually get them to take care of hair algea problems.
They are neat though, weird looking guys.
I saw those at the LFS If I were to get a sea hare it would be a small one because the big ones are alot of money! I might get a dwarf!