sea hare not eatting hair algae


I bought a sea hare 3 days ago because I have a hair algae problem and I was told they are great for getting rid of it. I was going to trade him in once it was all gone. He is spending most of his time on the glass. I have seen him on some hair algae, and it looked like he was eatting but when he moves away I do not see any change in it. How long should it be before I can see a change in the amount of hair algae? Do you think my sea hare is sick? I thought I would see a change right away.


Originally Posted by goonter
I bought a sea hare 3 days ago because I have a hair algae problem and I was told they are great for getting rid of it. I was going to trade him in once it was all gone. He is spending most of his time on the glass. I have seen him on some hair algae, and it looked like he was eatting but when he moves away I do not see any change in it. How long should it be before I can see a change in the amount of hair algae? Do you think my sea hare is sick? I thought I would see a change right away.
i dont know about the sea hare but i bought 7 mexican turbo snails 20 regular turbos and 20 Nassarius snails along with that my 60 some odd blue legged crabs and my algae problem is almost gonei have a 20 gallon tank with 52lbs LR
do you have anymore clean up crew?


Active Member
Seahares don't eat ONLY hair alge, they eat any kind of alge, and also mine eat the seafood I feed the fish. Since hes new, hes exploring the tank, give him some time to sample what you have in your tank, then he will start in on the hair alge, trust me.


yes I have a good size clean up crew (snails,hermits, cleaner shrimp,and emerald carbs).
Okay so he is just checking things out... I was afraid something was wronge. I give him more time and hope for the best. thanks for your help.


Active Member
No problem, I have 2 huge ones in my 125, and sometimes they let the hair alge get really bad, then I wake up one day and its all gone. Good luck, and keep them away from your intakes!!!!!!


Active Member
I just battled the hair algae in my 210 and mexican turbos really helped alot w/alge blennie and diamond goby took care of the sand.
My tank looks great now!


how did you acclimate him? the first one i got i did not drip him, he lived, bud didnt eat at first... then over a week later he started chowing down....they normally eat at night.


Active Member
I am thinking you are talking about the algae/lawmower blennie.
Mine was doing fine as soon as i dropped him into the tank.
I acclimate all my fish atleast an hour, if its mail order i follow the recommended directions on here.


New Member
Originally Posted by goonter
I bought a sea hare 3 days ago because I have a hair algae problem and I was told they are great for getting rid of it. I was going to trade him in once it was all gone. He is spending most of his time on the glass. I have seen him on some hair algae, and it looked like he was eatting but when he moves away I do not see any change in it. How long should it be before I can see a change in the amount of hair algae? Do you think my sea hare is sick? I thought I would see a change right away.
My sea hare arrived 2 days ago and has behaved ljust ike you described. How long did it take before yours started to eat hair algea?


Well... it is dead... everything else in my tank is fine and levels are good. I dripped him for 2 hours... so that was not it... must have just gotten a sick one or something... I hope yours does better than mine.