Sea Hare???


Does anyone know if there is a type of fish called a sea hare? I was told by my LFS that I should put one in my tank to clean up the obsurd amount of algae that I have. I can't find a picture of one anywhere. To be honest, I didn't think a sea hare was a type of fish.


Active Member
never heard of it..
if you want algea cleaned off then get
yellow tang
lawn mower benny
things like that. I DONT HAVE any algea bc my yellow tang loves to pick it off my rock.


Active Member
Sea hare is somewhat like either a nudibranch or a cucumber or errrr... a bit of both. They do indeed eat hair algae with a passion. The down side is they do not live long and release a toxic substance similar to some nudibranches that can crash your entire tank. IMO you should find out why you have an algae problem and fix the problem and not just put a band aid on it as a temporary fix. eg:- excess nutrients,lighting schedule, type of water used etc...etc


Active Member
Yes, sea hare is a nudibranch that eats algae. They can grow up to a foot long and require massive amounts of algae to avoid starvation. They can release and ink when they are stressed.
Perhaps your LFS was referring to this, or perhaps he meant Rabbitfish (AKA Foxface) which will also eat algae.


One of my lfs has a bunch of HUGE sea hares in right now -- they're crazy. They cruise around the tank like giant slugs on ten cups of coffee, as if doing laps. Weirdly fast. And they do look like a bunny rabbit -- if Bart Simpson was God and making everything out of wet clay.
Looked to me liked you'd need a 300g tank to house one of these...


Active Member
Algae blenny. Lawnmower Blenny more like. Get one of those. They "mow" the algae down, lol. Tangs are good algae eaters too, same with foxface lo. They love-a the algae.:D