Sea Horse in QT?


New Member
I have a 20gal. QT that has just a basic setup. a low powered light, a heater, and a small little hang on filter. i have some live rock just because i had too much in my DT... but back to my question. i was wondering if i can put a small sea horse in my QT and will it be okay when i need to Q a fish.
I only put one fish in the QT at a time and i do not plan on getting nor do i own any aggressive fish.
So could i put a little guy in there and if i can what else should i put in the tank? (plants, live sand,??)



Active Member
If you did that you would not beable to hypo or medicate in that tank. Defeats the purppo
se of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
If you did that you would not beable to hypo or medicate in that tank. Defeats the purppo
se of the tank.
I agree with mcbdz. Seahorses need extra attention, and a whole DS dedicated to them. A horse in a empty QT would be miserable, not to mention the ill effects of the medication.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I agree with mcbdz. Seahorses need extra attention, and a whole DS dedicated to them. A horse in a empty QT would be miserable, not to mention the ill effects of the medication.
I concur...first don't keep seahorse by itself, and definitely NOT in a barren tank. Horses are first and foremost very social and need the company of other horses. Secondly they are most comfortable in an environment that has lush greenery (be it fake plants or live...doesn't matter). Contrary to that fact, the more greenery, the more the horses will be out and about in their tank because of the comfort level that that the greenery provides for them.
Another thing, keeping a sh in a QT doesn't make sense either when you need to QT another fish and medicate or hypo...where does the horse go?
Sorry, just not a good idea.