Sea Horses, Eel, or.......


Active Member
So many choices.....I now have a 45 gallon tank with 45lbs live rock, 2 false percs, and tons of mushrooms.......
I have been itching for sea horse tank....or may be just invest in an anemone for the clowns........or a snowflake eel.............. :thinking:
any ideas????


Eeels of any type do not belong in a "Reef" tank.
Anemones should not be kept in captivity.
Seahorses must be kept only with other fishes that will not comptete with them for food or they will starve to death.


ALOT! They will rarely ever live beyond a year in captivity where they live for centuries in the wild! Sure many people have them but that doesnt make it right.


I got my first anemone 6 or 7 years ago. and its still alive and kickin strong in someonelses tank I had it for almost 2 years. There are some that arent that hardy but some especially tank clones are well suited for aquarium life if the right conditions are met and understood!


I do have to agree on the seahorses though They really need a species tank with no other fish that can out compete for food and the fish can harass the horses and corals can sting them so.
as far as the SFE I think it would more confortable in a larger tank. but just my opinion.


New Member
There is also nothing wrong with keeping an eel in a reef aquarium if everything is firmly attached. If you have ever been to a real reef you will find that they do in fact live there. If that is a part of their natural habitat why would someone say that they shouldnt be kept in a reef tank?


Active Member
Average Size: To an average length of about three feet (36 inches).
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: No less than 75 gallons, because even though you may have a smaller specimen it can outgrow a tank rather quickly.
Habitat: Predatory bottom dweller that requires plenty of shelter for hiding.
Hi Rykna!
The above is info I just found on the snowflake eel.
You can, contrary to popular belief, keep a nice variety of tankmates with seahorses. You can't keep them with stinging corals, though.


why would someone say that they shouldnt be kept in a reef tank?

most of the time people will say DO not put a eel in a reef tank because the inverts that we pay so much for like the shrimp and some crabs are on the eel diet list. no they wont bother corals but they will eat the other stuff.


Active Member
hmmmmmmm so no on the seahorse, unless the tank is devoted to them. and a possible yes on the eel, but will definatley require a tank upgrade in 5 mths....and the anemone thing...well I'll just let that one sit.
I'm thinking this time around I give a try at SPS corals and leather corals. My last tank had soft corals.
:thinking: wonder how many bags of coral you can fit into a stocking