sea horses


My girlfriend really wants to get sea horses for our 55 gal tank. My lfs said it would be okay if I got this certain type. I really trust this guy and he hasn't mistreated or been wrong yet, but I want to make sure. Are seahorses as hard to keep as I have heard, and is there a certain type that would work better than others? Like I said I have a 55 with two pajama cardinals, a yellow tang, 2 percula clown and a sweet lips. I wouldn't mind trying them but I don't want to waste my money either. As usual thanks for the help!


Your LFS is probably speaking of captive raised seahorses, which eat prepared foods. Other seahorses are now protected under CITES (Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species). I can think of one seller, but out of respect to this site, I won't mention their name.
Captive raised are MUCH easier to keep than wildcaught, but I wouldn't do it in the same tank as your other critters. They wouldn't be able to compete for food.


CB seahorses are easy to care for. They would go great in your 55 as long as you remove all of the fish, except for the pajama cardinals. Everything else will eventually out compete the seahorses for food.
If you have any anemones or stinging coral, they would have to go as well.
ORA has CB seahorses available through many retailers and LFS.
I have been very happy with the stock ORA has been releasing. Strong, healthy, and hungry!
They're not difficult, just specific.
Good Luck!


New Member
Seahorses definately aren't difficult to care for at all. Just make they live by themselves and they have plenty of stuff to hang on to.


no pun intended...but don't they need to 'graze' a lot through out the day?
I do know people that once kept seahorses with fish, the sea horses did really well, so I am figuring they must have had a secret I don't know about and I that was in my teen years, have no idea where those people are now.