Sea Horses????????


So I have my fish only tank
Then I had to go out and buy my self a reef tank (fell in love with the coral)
Now Im forced to get a sea horse only tank because i believe they are better off by themselves correct? Eating wise. Well I was going to get a 12 gallon Nano Basic light system because they dont need any special lighting as far as I know. I was also wondering if the current in the nano would be too great for the horses, so I thought about just cutting the hose and adding a check valve to regulate the amount of water coiming in. I was also looking at the 10 gallon Eclipse but that top filter seems kind of cheep so I just wanted to get some directions on what way I should go. PICS OF SOME SEAHORSE ONLY TANKS WOULD BE GREAT FOR SOME IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


seahorses are very difficult to care for. but go for it ! some are sucessful and some arent. good luck.


I am working right now but I do have some information for you about seahorses. I had 2 of them for about a year and a half. I will post back later on today. I will also try and post some pics. Later, Chris


one thing I heard about seahorse tanks is that if you use live sand...make sure you get several sand sifting snails. In a seahorse tank you can't have a lot of water movement, so live sand can go bad easily if its not sifted enough. Good luck!!


Active Member
I think a 12gal nano is too small! You’re going to find that you will need to feed them very often and the extra food that is not consumed is going to cause some serious nutrient issues for you. Have you thought about creating a 30 gallon refugium for your reef and once it’s up and running (healthy population of pods and Mysis) adding a few seahorses to the refugium or adding another smaller tank down stream from the refugium that's dedicated to your seahorses?


Active Member
actually yall h. capensis would do great in a tank that size and h. zostrea SHOULDN'T be kept in anything bigger than 10


Geesh, finally found the pictures. I will try and post a couple. One will show Fred and Barney hanging out together. (Ohhh, I miss them!) The other will show my tank and on the left at the top you can see the horse "trough" that my hubby made for them to eat their mysis out of. I would just tap on the glass and they would come up to the feeder and wait for me to drop the food in. They were so interesting. Well, anyhow, some of the picutres will probably get cut off because I have to use the paint option to make them smaller. It doesn't really make them smaller, it just cuts them off! You should get the idea though.



Seahorses are hard to take care of. They dont like alot of movement so i wouldnt recommend a nano. You should pick the specie you want and you should reasearch, reasearch, reasearch in the end they are wonderfull creatures


thanks for all the imput. My computer took a dump and I just got back thanks for the pics and response. i still havn't decide on a species. too busy building up a new 90 reef I just got.