Sea Monkeys!

Did anyone ever buy a sea monkey kit as a little kid? I think all it is is brine shrimp eggs. Has anyone bought the eggs, hatched them, and fed them to their fish?
anybody know anything about actually breeding them? I remember when I used to work at the LFS, we kept a 5 1/2 gal full of them and was thinking I might do the same when I stock my tank..


New Member
I am in the process of researching my first ever salt tank. I'm not sold on whether it will be a F.O. or Small Reef. In any case, I stumbled onto your board in my research.
To answer questions about live brine. They are great food for Marine Fish and a must if you plan on pipes or seahorses. I currently feed them to my Lake Tanganyikan cichlids (Neolamprologus Multifacitus). Here's a simple hatchery for you:
Plastic 1 gallon juice bottle (round, apple juice kind), appropriate length of aquarium tubing, small air pump, stone and check valve, salt and brine shrimp cysts/eggs.
For the simple set up, fill 2/3 with water, add salt (according to directions on product per liter), drill a hole in the juice cap to insert tubing, connect stone and pump and add 1/4 tsp of eggs.
Shrimp will hatch within 24/48 hours depending on temperature. Give them at least 48 hours to separate from the cysts or they will mess up your tank. Use air tubing to siphon shrimp out and through a brine net (coffee filters work fine). The shrimp are attracted to light, you can use a small penlight to concentrate them before siphoning.
It's cheap and easy to provide a varied diet!
Good luck! Have fun.