Sea turtle!?!?!


if you truly have this turtle return it to the ocean or find a resue group in your area to take it.
1) its illegal to harvest turtles they are an endagered species
2) the get way to big for anything other than what a aqurium can keep them in
3) at the risk of sounding harsh is that its irresponsible to harvest an animal that people are working so hard to keep from going into extinction and keep in an aquarium with out any consideration of what it will do to the animal and not knowing what they eat.
as I said please find a rescue group or return it to the ocean where you found it so atleast it has a chance of survival and you dont dont get thrown in jail.
All sea turtles are protected by the federal Endangered Species Act.
Avoid touching or interfering with turtle activity.
Do not remove any dead turtle, turtle egg, or turtle part.
stranded/dead turtles, OR HATCHING EVENTS
again I dont want to sound harsh or anything like that but you really need to contact someone about this a rescue group or someone that can help this turtle have the best chance of survival. there are way to many people that are trying to keep this animal from going into extinction.

hawk fish

wow yeah just a joke i am part of a research group/protection group and my friend wanted to see how people would react...thanks for all the info


Active Member
Please don't start threads just to troll... in this case you wasted Michael's time pulling up links and posting info. In addition, there are many guests who stop by here that may not read later on that you were "joking".