sea water follow up question


New Member
I posted a question about starting an aquarium from scratch in three weeks. This is my question. Would it help being just thirty minutes from the gulf or the Atlantic to get a large amount of seawater? I am planning on putting in clownfish and damsels to start and maybe a few heniocas' in the future. Thanks ofr all of the great help.


Active Member
Not always a good idea since you have no idea what might be in the water.. run off, polutants, chemicals... Much better to make your own water using RODI water and a good commercial salt.


Active Member
If you don't have an RO unit then it still woulb be better, IMO, to use tap water and mix your own salt. Like Dragon never know what you are going to pull out of the coastal waters.


Sea water is fine, but you would have to go off shore a little ways, like in a boat, to collect it. As said, close to shore is where all the pollutants wash up.