Seachem Paraguard? Reef And Invert Safe?


hey i dont have ich infestation in my tank but i do have a bottle of seachem paraguard that a buddy gave me cuz he never used it. i dont have a QT yet will soon tho. i just have a yellowtail damsel coral banded shrimp 4snails 20 little blue leg crabs some feather dusters and 20 pounds of live rock in a 30 gallon tank. i was wondering if i ever did get an outbreak if any one has used this seachem paraguard in a main tank or knows if it would hurt inverts and corals? any info would be good, i just was curious. thanks


Staff member
I would not put any sort of medication in your tank. You are on the right track planning to get a quarantine tank. That is your best bet, not medicating a reef tank. Also, you may want to check the expiration date on the med.