I have a 75 gallon reef aquarium, stocked very well and a 20 gallon sump. I have used B-ionic calcium buffer two part system for approximately 6 months. I didn't feel I was getting the results in coral growth and health but this product kept my ph, alkalinity and calcium levels very steady at the proper ranges. Two months ago, I decided to switch over to Seachem products. This was advice given to me by a local shop owner who uses their products and has his tanks on display to prove his success. Seems like my corals have come to life, moreso than before, but I am having trouble finding the correct routine and amounts to add to keep the above mentioned steady. I use Reef Complete, Reef Calcium, Reef Plus and Reef Builder. Does anyone have any experience with these products good or bad, and can I get some advice on what to use, when and about how much for proper dosages? I am on well water, running through a softener and an RO/DI unit. I use Instant Ocean salt mix and change 15 gallons every 2 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated. I truly enjoy reading these discussions. Thanks.