Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer?


this skimmer seems a bit loud to be honest...what are some thoughts on this thing? this is for a 40 gal tank, and it would be coupled with my eheim professional II 2026 canister filter.
if your opinion is that this protein skimmer is awful, please suggest (and link too if possible! =) what you think would suffice. thanks!


i have that one on my 55g and it works fine. i got mine free so im not really complaining. once you get it set the right way it works really good.


Active Member
well, we're not really allowed to link to sites outside of, unfortunately, but, if you would like, id suggest messaging someone like rebelprettyboy or rotarymagic and asking them for their suggestions, or people can chime in on here with the type of skimmer they'd recommend, and then u can google it :p google is your friend in this hobby LOL
and as for my opinion it, i honestly have none, the skimmers im doin were actually recommened by rotary LOL as i have no experience whatsoever with em, especially with HOB skimmers, but, hmmmm, nvm, no clue LOL
sorry i couldnt be more helpful man


Active Member
but, if i remember right, and again, im prolly totally wrong on this, ive seen people bash on seaclone, but, i cant remember for sure on this one, lol
wait, thats oddesea or however u spell it, nvm LOL


yeah im getting that impression (that seaclone sucks), so im thinking of maybe the AquaC Remora Hang-On skimmer..anyone know anything about it? i hear it is pretty loud....i really just want a skimmer for under $250 for my 40 gal that is QUIET, because my tank is 4 feet from the foot of my bed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wpost2
yeah im getting that impression (that seaclone sucks), so im thinking of maybe the AquaC Remora Hang-On skimmer..anyone know anything about it?
when i first set up my tank i bought a seaclone 100 protein skimmer. i hated it. i could never get it set right. one day i would set it so it was working just fine than the next day with out touching the thing there would be no foam bubbles going up the tub. so i than bought a sump that came with a skimmer and im vary happy with it.


Active Member
he cant do a sump cause of space restrictions, the tank is goin on the top of his dresser, so he needs a good HOB skimmer im thinking, do you guys know of any good ones?


i need a skimmer that is relatively small (it is going to hang over the side not the tank is pushed up against the wall), quiet, and works. im willing to spend up to ~$250, the MOST important attribute is that it is quiet, because the skimmer will be literally 15 ft from where my ears are while sleeping =P


Octo hob is awesome. When I got mine, it pumped out skimmate immediately and after a few days it basically stopped...until I fed the tank again! It does a tremendous job really. Not the BEST skimmer for the tank, but it will get the job done and it won't break the bank. It is dead silent too. It came with a little silencer, but I don't even use it because it is whisper quiet to begin with.


fantastic. which specific model is best for my 40 gal? thanks sooo much for this info - this damn seaclone is REALLY LOUD, lol. and it isnt doing anything either..this thing is very finicky when trying to get it to bubble. been at it for 2 days and still nothing lol. anyway, so what's the exact model octo hob i should go with?


Active Member
i too want to know more about this octopus HOB skimmer, since i talked the gf into letting me do a nano that im gonna make out of a 20g long :D