Seaclone 100 protien skimmer reviews?


Really? i thought seaclone was one of the better brands.... Good thing i asked then. I was just about to purchase one. Can you recommend a good skimmer sub $100? Thats about all my budget will allow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by justilorah
i have a seaclone on my 55 and it works just fine just have to keep it clean..

Amen to that. I have the Seaclone 150 on my 55 and it pulls a lot of gunk out of my reef tank, producing a dark concentrated skimmate. You do have to keep it clean, including the foam PH filter and every once in awhile remove and clean out the reaction chamber. It also requires monitoring of the air bleed

not too much or not too little air.


I have one on my 75 and I'm not crazy about it. It's gotten better after I did some modifications. I would suggest you go with something else, though.
i have a seaclone 150 on my 55 and its working just fine pulling out dark skim i clean it everyday at morning just before i go to school i mean i dont get why others say it isn't good for the price its worth it if you are on a budget.....i have had this for over 4 years now and i clean it every 6 months or so haven't had a single problem
bottom line is just clean it when the cup gets dirty and you will be fine with this skimmer otherwise if you want to spend more $$ go for other brands just my .02 cents


Active Member
Originally Posted by AlienHybridX
i have a seaclone 150 on my 55 and its working just fine pulling out dark skim i clean it everyday at morning just before i go to school i mean i dont get why others say it isn't good for the price its worth it if you are on a budget.....i have had this for over 4 years now and i clean it every 6 months or so haven't had a single problem
bottom line is just clean it when the cup gets dirty and you will be fine with this skimmer otherwise if you want to spend more $$ go for other brands just my .02 cents

I totally agree. I have had very little salt creep on my SC 150, but nothing like Scopus Tang. Thats a lot! Its operated consistently well for me for about a year.