SeaClone Bubbles


is it bad if my skimmer is making bubbles in my tank? i dont think n e are comming from the skimmer, but from when the water pours into the tank. One of my power heads is right next to it and it blows the bubbles into smaller bubbles and they are all over the tank. I dont really like how the bubbles look. Are they ok? Is there a way i can adjust the skimmer or power head so I dont get n e more bubbles???
:help: Thanx in advance :help:


I have had the same situation. I also have the Seaclone with a ph right beside it. I was able to eliminate the bubbles by moving the direction of the ph a bit and by tightening the end (don't know what it is called) of the air tube. I was told at the LFS that the small bubbles were not good for the fish as they could get into their gills and kill them. Don't know if that is true or not but it made an impression on me so I always watch for bubbles. Good luck.


It doesnt really seem to B skimming n e thing...its spinning and all that, but nothing goes up into thecollection part of it. Is it still in its break in period, will it eventually start to work??


sometimes you have to play with the air screw to get the proper mixture. Try completely closing it and turn it back 1 1/2 turns....worked for mine.


ERr.. mine does the same thing and I don't think it's working there is buildup around it, and nothing goes into the collection part... ? I accidentally took the airscrew out :eek: But then I closed it and took it back 2 turns, there is still bubbles, and for a second my water piple got all white with foam Is that good?


i just took the air screw out and now there is more bubbles in the skimmer and none in the tank :D is it bad that i took it out? there is still nothing going into the collection cup, what can i do to take the bubbles out and get the junk in the collection cup??


Hey there, I have a seaclone too and My tank has only had water in it for 3 days, skimmer running for one day. I have the same problem with the millions of tiny air bubbles. I am cycling, so there are no fish to kill just yet luckily. I talked to my LFS and read the 'FAQ' in the manual and this is normal for an inmature tank or it will also happen after you do a water change and add a declorinator or some of the other 'gel' like sovants to condition your water. My plan is to just run straight water through the skimmer by turning my air intake valve closed and wait. Then I'll turn it a little more open and see if the bubbles come back. I also got water in my collection cup, that is also a symptom of trying to skim an inmature tank. In short, me and my LFS are thinking and hoping that this will be ok after the water has completely disolved all of the solvant that I added to condition the water.
Hope this helps.. I do know peole that use this skimmer and swear by it, my LFS uses it in some of their tanks too... I'm going to sick with it for a while before giving up.


im not getting n e thing in my collection cup and its been running for a lil less than a week now, should i have started it during my cycle? everyone said not to???


what kind of bioload do you have in the tank now for your cycle? You may want to go to and read what they say about this too. I have nothing in my collection cup yet because there is nothing to collect from my tank at this point. It can take a while, my skimme ris working properly and I have the bubbles and nothing in my collection cup.. as soon as I add fish and get some protiens to collect, that should change.



Originally posted by atf88
im not getting n e thing in my collection cup and its been running for a lil less than a week now, should i have started it during my cycle? everyone said not to???

My Seaclone took about a month to start producing gunk in the collection cup. It just takes a little time IMO.


Concerning you protein skimmer, I also have a SeaClone 100, but I believe many skimmers have similar features, specifically some type of Air Intake... IMO, there's at least two things to consider. First, it usually takes awhile (a few weeks) for a skimmer to get "broken in". Assuming you've been using your skimmer since you started up your tank, that's should not be the problem. Second, the problem I think you're having is that the Air Intake is inproperly adjusted... It may seem like an obvious question, but is yours open? :notsure: I had a problem with that once because I accidently closed it all the way while trying to adjust the bubbles out. Too much air going into your skimmer and on into the tank can be a problem also. If too many bubbles are being pushed through the skimmer, more of the protein you're trying to remove goes back into the tank , instead of the collection cup. If you'll close the air intake all the way and then slowly turn it, a tiny bit at a time, waiting a minute or so between turns, you'll slowly get fewer and fewer bubbles. You'll probably end up turning it at least a couple of full turns before it gets close to the proper adjustment level. Remember, you shouldn't remove the air valve totally, nor should it be closed all the way. Patience will pay off with the protein skimmer working as it's intended; removing the "bad" stuff from your water.
Good luck with your tank! HTH


I'm really glad you all replied to this! I was going to get a seaclone but will shop around after reading this post. There are fish in my tank and don't want to go through the problems with the bubbles if it's not necessary.



Originally posted by Trigger78
I'm really glad you all replied to this! I was going to get a seaclone but will shop around after reading this post. There are fish in my tank and don't want to go through the problems with the bubbles if it's not necessary.

Yeah, do some research, I am not entirely happy w/ mine... I am just kinda sitting around waiting for it to break so I have an excuse to buy a new one! :joy:


I have the same skimmer and the little line you have to adjust the air with the valve on top. You want to cut it alittle shorter so that you have less air going through it. It limited my bubbles and allows the skimmer to work more efficientlly.