Seaclone protein skimmer-HELP


New Member
I have Seaclone protein skimmer 150 Hang-on(don't have space in sump) on my 75 gal tank. It works great but it spills alot of tiny bubble into my tank.
I spoke to Marine Lab Rep, she claimed it's normal for most Hang-On skimmer.
Anyone know how to get rid it or reduce it?


Active Member
i usually adjusted the air intake or stick a sponge in the part the leads waterr into the tank. i usually did the air intake thing
I had the same problem with mine! I got rid of it and bought a red sea prism pro deluxe and it works wonderful without all those little bubbles.


New Member
did u count the rotations on the air adjuster.1 to 2 full turns will get rid of those bubbles!i had the same problem and now mines work fines!