seaclone protein skimmer


New Member
im haveing a problem with my new skimmer all i can get is a lil wight fome at the top not enouf to even go up the rizer tub am i doing somthing roung


Um....try some spellcheck next time...
...but as I read that...I think you have to let them go for a while, kind of break the skimmer in a little, although I have not had experience with that brand. Did you just put it in your tank?


My recommendation is to get a new skimmer...Seaclones are crap. I don't know why they're still on the market with all the problems people have with them. I had one in the past and it never did work right. I got a Remora and it's been working like a champ since day one.
You definitely get what you pay for when it comes to skimmers.


Active Member
I have a sea clone skimmer and it works great! All you have to do is make sure to keep the sponge and airline clean (as the airline can get salt build up). I do a cleaning once a week.
Also, mine throws out tones of foam, I have to clean out that nasty stuff about every three days. My tank is only about 3 months old!


Active Member
They are hard to adjust and work with I wouldn't recommend them. I heard the Remora are pretty good.


Active Member
I just dont understand why people think they are hard to adjust or call them junk.
it has been a very easy experience for me! I can't imagine how must easier it could get with other skimmers