Seaclone Protein Skimmer


New Member
The bubles don't go over into the collection cup. I called the manufacturer and they stated to play with the intake air hose. I've been doing this for the past four days I'm not sure what to do b/c there are plenty of bubbles comming out of it just not going into the collection cup. Anyone have any ideas:rolleyes:
im having the same problem..Im not sure with yours but with mine it always seems that its not sucking enough water up through the plastic piping anybody have anyidea on that also?


How old is your tank? A new tank may not have much in it to "skim". I'm not familiar with the seaclone, but most skimmers take some adjustments to get working properly and may require a few days to break in.


how long have you been running them? it usaully take about a week for that skimmer to actually get broken in. i have 2 of them and they are working fairly good right now, but i have had them for a couple of years now.
i hope you have the newer version of them with the modifications that one works alot better than the old one.
I have 3 of them that are working. You will see nothing being skimmed until there is a build up of organic waste that needs to be skimmed.


Active Member
i'm running one on my tank and i actually had somewhat of the same problem at first, and then it was minimal skimage after that. the key to the seaclone, and probably other skimmers as well, is the placement of the pump in the water. i believe it recommends at least 3 inches below the surface. i went ahead and bought some 3/4" tubing from the hardware store and extended it to about 6" below the surface and it works like a champ.