Seaclone skimmer for Eclipse3 hood


New Member
There was a post on this matter already, and I checked TWOODS71's web page, but I still can not tell from the picture how to modify the hood. I asked the local fish store and he said there is no way to do it unless I go to a different filtration system.
Any advice on exactly how to modify the eclipse?


Active Member
Here is what I did in as much detail as I can write.
On the back of the eclipse hood there are two slots that are covered with rubber plugs. These plugs are very easy to remove and allow some access through the back of the hood to the tank.
Looking at the front of the hood the slot on the left I used to hang a power head for current and required no modification to do this.
The slot on the right was used for my seaclone but the unmodified slot was not wide enough for the skimmer.
The slot looks something like this /^.
But after modification the slot looked more like this /^^.
Basically all that needs to be done is to cut a small section out of the hood to make it wider.
I used a dremel tool with a cutting wheel to perform the task.
If you have any more specific questions just ask, I will try to help as much as possible.
Good Luck !! :)


New Member
I must have a different hood than yours. I do not have a slot on the right side. There is a slot on the left where the pump goes and all the electrical wires run through. In the middle there is about a 15" section where the filter cartridge sits. On the right is the bio-wheel. I don't see how I can do the modification with this model unless I go through the side.
Thanks for past and hopefully future help and advice.