

I ordered a seaclone 150 for my 120 gallon tank, was that a wise choice or is seaclone a crappy brand, I also have three 10 gallon tanks running penguin 120's but I want to put skimmers on um so can you please tell me about some good ones.


Active Member
Put the seaclone on one of the 10 gallon tanks. First of all, it will not handle your big tank. Ask the board for advice on a skimmer for a tank your size. I'm of no help there. My CPR bak Pak is great, but only for tanks up to 55 gallons.


unless you go with a sump system the the seaclone 150 is probably your best choice for the money. Do a search on seaclone mods and incorporate them into your skimmer. You will be pleasently surprised how good of a skimmer the seaclone is once it has been modded. Your filtration looks good. You could loose either the 330 or hot with little effect on your tank I think though.


Anthem. I realize that you and me are quite possibly two arch rivals ( which is a good thing for the hobby ). Not everyone can afford the cream of the crop like you often suggest. A seaclone worked great on my 90 for along time, and that was without the mods. I would recommend it for anyone who chooses a hang on filter.


Anthem, who said anything about negative feed back about aquired hardware. Why don't you suggest a skimmer for his tank instead of telling him how crappy his choice is without giving him any alternatives
Good one about skimping the skimmer :D :D


I have two seaclones, one the old type and one the new type, both are excellant and do the job, one is on a reef tank lr with fish and shroons, the other on a reef corals only, both are water is excellant. A lot of controversy over seaclone, but for the money do the job, difference is I drive a economy car others drive a cadillac.

richard rendos

Active Member
I am in agreement with anthem on this. Seaclones are over rated on tank size they will handle. I think a Berlin Turbo is a good hang-on, but the best I've seen is the Life Reef Hang-on.
This is the way I look at it. You are investing a lot of money in the corals you are buying, and the fish. Why take a chance on poor equipment to keep them alive. A good filter and lighting are two of the key components of a healthy reef tank. Skimp on other things, but not on these.


Thanks a lot but can anyone help me with skimmers for my 10 gallon tanks. Remember that i am sort of on a budget so please do tell me that i am gonna need like a 400 dollar one cause I will just think you are one of those people that tells me that i need 1 billion gallons for 4 damsels.


Active Member
Whatever you do, Please DON'T get a Berlin. Terrible product and terrible customer service. Don't do it. While Seaclone is not the best, would go with that prior to a berlin or any red sea product. Good luck.