Seahorse Babies!! Photos!!


Active Member
We ordered in two CB Black Seahorses the other day........we recieved them yesterday afternoon. Something was a little bit strange though......the bag had both Seahorses in about 300 babies!
The Male decided to let go of the babies right in the bag during shipping........probably due to stress I suppose.
We are adopting these now and trying to raise them if we can. We know that it's going to be quite a challenge but, we have had great success so far.
We set up a 5 gallon bowfront for the babies to live in. We've contructed some interesting things to see if it will help out the little ponies.
Here is a photo of the tank that we put together for them. It has an airline for circulation and we have put some sea fans in there as well. We also decided to construct some pvc with fishing line coming off of it for the little ponies to grab ahold of.......they're doing it!


Active Member
We are in the process of finishing a culture of Rotifers (Thanks to a local reef club member! Thanks Greg!) to see if we can get them eating. We're also hatching some brine but, I doubt the little guys can eat the brine.
Any tips to help us out??


Active Member
geeze Rye, those are awesome pics. What a nice surprise.
Where is the other seahorse?
I remember Sheree here, giving great advice. I don't remember much, because we decided it wasn't a good time to try to keep them. I think she said the ghost shrimp is what she fed them daily. And seahorse dot org was a great place for us to look. :D
Congrats Dad :) More pics when you get them.


Buy 2 get 300 free????~~~ That's quite a deal :happy: :happy: Very cool pics, wish you lots of luck and keep us an update.


That is by far one of the coolest things I have seen. When they get bigger what are you going to do with them.
Keep us up to date.


Are you removing all the dead ones right away (as they die)?
I would think all those horses in that small of a tank would have a huge ammonia problem? Its still pretty cool though.:happy:


If you don't mind my asking, what kind of camera do you have?! I have to get one of them!! :D Those are awesome pics, thanks for sharing with us! :yes: