Seahorse Help!


New Member
Got 1 Seahorse 2 weeks ago for my "Seahorse only tank" In my LFS the owner would not sell him until he started eating. He finally started eating Mysis shrimp so I bought him. Get him home and now all he eats is live Brine and will not touch the mysis. Is the live brine only OK for the seahorse?? Or do I need to get him to eat the Mysis. If so...what is the best way to get him to eat?? Nothing else is there with him...just emerald crab, snails, and some hermits. Got live sand and live rock that he can grab on to.
Thanks guys


Active Member
A varied diet is best. If the guy will only eat live brine...then you should vitamin enrich it for him to stay healthy.
As for switching him back to mysis...try giving him a couple of days to get healthy from the move to your tank...then let him be for a couple of days. Offer him the mysis in small quatities. If he wont take it...give him some want him to keep eating and stay healthy.
Good luck.


Active Member
Not to sound like an aslkas, I disagree slightly. Yes, feed him enriched brine shrimp until he gets used to the tank. But after a week or two (probably two) don't feed him for two or three days. THen add some mysis (use a siringe or soemthing so that it gets directly at him) and back far far way from the tank (than sometimes will keep them from eating).... Then later that night add some more... then tomorrow mysis. If he already ate mysis he will eat again. Try to stay away from brine shrimp as much as possible.