seahorse hooked


Ok I posted if my horses were male or female. I think we all agree they are female. My question is, I know that when a pair mate and they will hook tails and swim around together. Well 2 of mine are hooking tails and swimming together and they are beside each other all the time. Its only those 2. So will 2 females also have the same behavior??????
Thanks for all your help as I am just learning.


Well-Known Member
that's very common. Seahorses are extremely social creatures, and the tail hooking is just a gesture of togetherness. I forget who said it, but I read an online comment from someone who bred horses and had a huge pen.....a couple hundred gallons. She mentioned that despite the huge swimming area they were provided, the horses always congregated in the same area might be any given spot in the tank, but they always hung out around each other. It's been my experience with the three horses I have that the two females actually hang out more than the mated male and female.....the male just greets his mate in the morning, then usually hangs aside a little bit for the better part of the day.


My horse was very social also.I had a black and white clown and yellow clown goby in the same tank with her and she would always hang around them in the tank.She hitched to my clown once...LOL The clown wasn't so happy though
It is so fun to watch them be social.
I remember reading somewhere seahorses regardless of gender hitch tales but the will not do the mating/swim dance.