Seahorse in Reef Tank


Active Member
I am thinking of making my current reef tank into a coral only tank and making a separate FOWLR tank.
Since the current tank will just end up having corals in it, which of the following can go in that tank w/out harming anything else?
seadragon (if it was affordable and possible to even obtain)
Anything else you recommend that's exotic?


Hermits and snails are almost a necessity for as a clean up crew in a reef tank. I currently have an urchin in my 25 gal reef tank and it has done well so far, we will see in the long run how it does. Some starfish will work well, others will enjoy your coral as food. I'm not too familiar with the sea dragon, the octopus, or the sea horses.


I'm not 100% certain, but I believe seahorses need very little or no currents within the tank seeing how they are not strong swimmers and anchor themselves by grabbing things with their tail. Most corals need varying amounts of flow in order to survive, so I'm not sure how well you could keep both in the same tank. Usually, when I've seen seahorses, they've been in a tank by theirselves. As for an octopus, they will eat snails and crabs, which as was mentioned before, are a virtual necessity for a reef tank. Not sure about the sea dragon.

gold strip

Sea horses are also somewhat hard to keep. Most of them will only eat live food such as brine so you have to be able to grow or buy live brine and growing brine with any reasonable nutritional value is another challenge.
I have seen sea horses that will eat frozen foods but have only see them in one place and they were not cheap!
As stated above, they need very mild water movement as they are not strong or fast swimmers. Thats why it is difficult to keep them with any fish. The fish eat all the food before the sea horses can get it.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. There's so many different, beautiful, and exotic species out there that I guess one would need to setup 5 types of tanks to have them all.
Since seahorses are not much of swimmers, can they be kept in small tanks, let's say a 20 gallon w/ just live rock/sand and one pH for very gentle water movement?
As far as the octopus, I've always been fascinated by them, but I'm slowly losing hope in keeping one.
I think when I retire, most of my $ is going to go in setting up all types of different tanks :D
Seahorses are best kept in a SH only tank. Depending on what kind of SHs you get will depend on the tank requirements. but none the less the tank needs to be at least 3 x taller than the horse from crown to tip of tail when straightened out. WC horses are quite often infested with parasites. Even tho the CB horses are pricey they are well worth it. Horses can strip your corals and often kill them and some corals can sting and kill horses. They are not strong swimmers so light to med. current is best for them. No bright halide lights for the horses due to the shape and powerful sight, the bright lights can actually do damage to them. Also keep in mind that under the right conditions, horses can mate frequently, have a plan for the fry. Now rearing the fry are altogether differnt. Some species are very difficult to raise. SHs are usually kept in a little lower salinity than your other tanks/corals. Do a lot of research on this subject before you purchase. I strongly suggest species only tank, tall, low currents, regular strip lights, and enrich any frozen foods for the health of your horses. Feel free to contact me about horses. TR, Shirley


Active Member

Originally posted by Texasranchers
Seahorses are best kept in a SH only tank. Depending on what kind of SHs you get will depend on the tank requirements. but none the less the tank needs to be at least 3 x taller than the horse from crown to tip of tail when straightened out. WC horses are quite often infested with parasites. Even tho the CB horses are pricey they are well worth it. Horses can strip your corals and often kill them and some corals can sting and kill horses. They are not strong swimmers so light to med. current is best for them. No bright halide lights for the horses due to the shape and powerful sight, the bright lights can actually do damage to them. Also keep in mind that under the right conditions, horses can mate frequently, have a plan for the fry. Now rearing the fry are altogether differnt. Some species are very difficult to raise. SHs are usually kept in a little lower salinity than your other tanks/corals. Do a lot of research on this subject before you purchase. I strongly suggest species only tank, tall, low currents, regular strip lights, and enrich any frozen foods for the health of your horses. Feel free to contact me about horses. TR, Shirley

Thanks a lot Shirley. What do CB and WC stand for? I know of seahorses, but not the different types. It's a good thing that the tank is preferred to be tall rather than lengthy, cuz if one day I decide to do a species only seahorse tank, I"ll save some room among my aggressive fish tank and reef tank.
I want to try keeping a few, and will definitely do lots of research before going on with it. I'm sure even finding some at LFS is hard. I've never seen one in person myself.
Do seahorses get infected w/ ich by the way?
What do CB = Captive Bred
WC = Wild Caught
I"ll save some room among my aggressive fish tank and reef tank. What?! SEAHORSES, can not go in agressive tanks, sorry, didn't intend to do capital letters.
I want to try keeping a few, and will definitely do lots of research before going on with it. Good research is the best thing to do but do please think about a species only tank.
I'm sure even finding some at LFS is hard. Probably 90% of the LFS who carry horses, have WC horses.
I've never seen one in person myself. Most ppl havn't seen one in person. Check at your aquarium, see if they have any.
Do seahorses get infected w/ ich by the way? There are things that can irritate their skin such as parisites, GBD = gas bubble disease in the male pouch. Stings by corals.


Active Member
:D What I meant by 'save some room' was that if I have one separate tank for corals only, one separate for aggressive fish, and one separate small and tall one for seahorses, that'll save me some room, cuz the seahorses won't need a huge tank.
I"ll never throw those guys in an aggressive tank.
Well I'll be patient, do my research, and if I get them, I"ll post pics.
Thanks again


New Member
:notsure: Hello. I am very new to this board and am hopefully picking up my first salt water tank tomorrow in Mi....depending on the weather! Just out of curiousity, not something I am planning at present. I am in love with Seahorses, I have two non-SEA-horses, the kind with fur!! And also have always been intrigued with starfish.... Is it possible for them to co-exist in the same tank? I am looking at a 40 gallon corner tank, would like to maybe make it into my "Seahorse, and starfish tank."
The tank I am picking up is a 55 gallon, and will be for salt water although I am still researching what type of fish I want, there are so many to choose from! I am taking it slow, and doing my homework!! Thanks for answering my question!


I can't see most starfish and seahorses having problems getting along as they eat different foods and are both relatively peaceful, but I'd definitely look more into it before making a purchase that could potentially be disastrous, especially when you're talking about something as expensive as seahorses (though I bet they're a drop in the bucket compared t the real horses!).
From what I've read in various places, due to their similar lighting, current, water quality and food requirements, seahorses can be kept in an aquarium with mandarins and pipefish. Just be sure you have a lot of live rock for them to hide among and graze on.
That would definitely be something I'd look into. Actually, I have lol, but if I converted my 10-gallon into a seahorse+pipefish+mandarin tank, I would no longer have a quarantine tank for when I get new fish. =(
Whatever you end up deciding, good luck!
EUPHORIA, You had me going there for awhile.LOL. I'm glad that's all it was. Just do a lot of reading. Remember that most LFS carry wc SHs. So if you buy them you will most likely have extra problems that you don't need to be burdened with. Clues to look for: If the LFS has beautiful horses for $7, guess what kind they are. If you ask the LFS what kind they are and the anwer is large black Pacific seahorse, most likely they are wc. If the answer is hippocampus, beware, that means other words they don't know, probably wc.
Any dealer who is knowledgeable enough to buy cb horses for his store is going to know what kind they are. The answer you want is hippocampus Reidi, hippocampus Erectus, or shorten to h.Reidi or h. Erectus. Good luck, wish we could talk more. TR, Shirley
Marie, I love to talk about seahorse, mine or yours or a plan.
Seahorses and stars. I have to tell you my story. If you follow me around boards you have heard this before.
Had a little Chocolate Chip Star, four CB SHs in my tall hex tank. The horses would hitch to my star and he would glide merrily around the tank. As he would come to the intake for my filter one would get off and hitch to it, glide over to the thermometer and one would get off and hitch to it. Can you see where my story is going? After all his passengers got off at their destinations, he then would go to the rocks and play around. This was a daily event.
Now, yes they can co exists but always keep an eye open and make sure everyone stays happy. CCStars are not reef safe, they have a thing for corals. TR, Shirley
xnikki118x, As far as the mandarins just make sure that you have enough pods in your tank to feed them. The tank needs to be matured.
And of course, your cleanup crew. TR, Shirley


New Member

Thanks for all the replies. I have been on here a few times, just doing alot of reading, trying to learn. I have purchased a few books, about reef, and SW tanks....I will be moving soon, so I am not setting anything up until after I get to my new house....just trying to get the verious tools I need to get started. I have started making plans for my tank/s, as I am sure I will become addicted!! They are absolutely beautiful.
Some of the pics you guys have posted are awesome!!
I am willing to be very patient in getting this tank together.
I had some FW fish in my 10g, and they were all almost a year old. Fancy tailed goldfish over 3", shubunkins almost 6"....I left town for 3 days, and asked a friend to stop and feed them for me.....she fed them over half of a large container of flakes, and they all died but the damn plecostamus.....(over course), they are hardy little buggers....I thought I was going to cry! So, i started a new tank last July, and everyone is doing great. Just want somehting a little more interesting, colorful, challenging, not really sure. The Sh and Sf will be on down the road....
Have an oppurtunity to buy a 40g corner for less than $100, filter, stand, ect...thought I would get it while the price was right.....then I would have it when I was ready....
Will talk with you all agin, I am sure!!