Seahorse Input needed...


I didn't know exactly where to post this so I'm putting it in here. Mostly because I have 2 seahorses and I am wondering what type of corals I could have in there with them?? I've heard from one LFS that i can't put any corals in there but at another LFS they have seahorses in one of there coral tanks. If anyone has seahorses in the same tank as corals could you tell me what you got???(corals) I would love to make it a seahorse nano but if thats not safe for my seahorses then I won't. Any input will be greatly appreciated....thanks in advance.


Well I'm definately not a seahorse expert, but I have heard others on this forum say gorgonians work well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by frosty
I would love to make it a seahorse nano but if thats not safe for my seahorses then I won't. Any input will be greatly appreciated....thanks in advance.
How big of a nano? For seahorses the tank should be at least 2-3 times the height of the adult seahorse.


Yeah, Teresa's right. Nothing that stings. horses have this habbit of wrapping their tail around something long and skinny to give them support, and they've been known to attach to anenms. I looked into horses at one point but gave up on them over the food issue. Do you feed yours live or freeze dried?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishguy84
Yeah, Teresa's right. Nothing that stings. horses have this habbit of wrapping their tail around something long and skinny to give them support, and they've been known to attach to anenms. I looked into horses at one point but gave up on them over the food issue. Do you feed yours live or freeze dried?

My horses eat frozen mysis. They were already trained on that when I got them and they are captive bred.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
My horses eat frozen mysis. They were already trained on that when I got them and they are captive bred.
Same with my brother-in-law's seahorses. He has the huge giants(Hippocampus Kelloggi) that can get to be 10" tall. They're still ponies-for this species (about 2" high). They ATTACK the mysis! Its crazy!!


Yes, I feed my horses frozen brine and mysis. More mysis then brine. They will cruise right over to it and eat right up. Thanks everyone for your input I can't wait to get my lighting right so I can start adding corals.