Seahorse - Lawnmower Blanny- compatible?


Sorry for double posting, but hoping to get a response before tyhe LFS opens at noon. :)
I have a lawnmower blenny, and have an oppurtunity to add a seahorse to my tank. i have read that 'blennys pick at seahorses' but that is the extent of the information i have found regarding this.
are these 2 critters compatible? or am asking for trouble? I am aware that seahorse are hard to keep, i am willing to give it a go, but don't want to do so if the blenny is going to attack him.
anyone have these 2 in the same tank, or have more info?


I know that seahorse are slow, and faster fish will get the food first, but i plan on feeding the seahorse with a baster to make sure it eats. would that work?