seahorse questions


New Member
hello everybody im planning on setting up a seahorse tank and i just need to what the hardiest breed of seahorse is what aquariums they prefer, food ,tank specifications


Active Member
First, hi, and do you have any saltwater experiance?
I wont say easiest, but most people begin with either erectus or Kuda. Both are about the same size, and require about the same things.
Tank size. Tall. Horses require 3x thier adult height. E and K both get to be about 7 to 8 inches so a 21 to 24 inch tall tank.


Active Member
I bought my 37 gal tall at my lfs. Its 25 inch tall. I wish i had gone the 45 tall instead. check glass cages. They have several tall tanks. Also a 55 gal standard makes a great horse tank.
How many do you plan on having. 1 pair or 2.
Erectus are easier to raise fry, where I have found Kuda to be a little more active.


Active Member
I just posted this on another persons thread, but this would be for you to
Dwarfs are def not a beginners horse. Erectus are about the easiest, but require a 35 to 40 gal tall tank. Horses must have perfact water conditions as well as lower temps. 72 to 77 degrees with low to med flow through out the tank. They are pron to bacterial infections, and must be feed two to three times a day. You cannot have any thing in the tank that will sting. tank should be cycled and running no less them 4 to 5 mo before adding any horse. You really need to research thier care, including how to treat them in case of illness. If you are going to pay 50 to 100 dollars for a horse, you really need to know how to take care of them.
Only buy CB (captive breed) eating frozen. They eat frozen mysis. BBS are not healthy for larger horses. They need place to hitch and also places to swim and hunt. Pods are good, so are macros. Hydroids, and stinging corals are not.
Not trying to be harsh, but you really need to start with one tank, and leave the horse for 6 mo or more down the road. Reasearch first.


Active Member
not if you can keep the temp down. Ussually a fan blowing across the top will do. you dont really need strong lights for horses. Pcs are fine.
Have you researched any about caring for horses. Feeding, health concerns, flow in the tank.


New Member
im not planning on getting any right away but if i come across a good deal at the lfs(wich usually happens)i'll snatch it up.and if i did come across a good deal i wouldnt set it up right away just when im ready but i need to know what i need so do you mind naming the supplies?


Active Member
A lot depends on what size tank you are planning. If you are planning on a sump. you will need a couple of small powerheads, prob a canister filter if you arent going to use a sump. skimmer?? Light to fit tank. Sand, and rock. I prefer dead sand and rock so you dont bring any bad hitchhickers into your horse tank. If you use a canister, I like a spray bar in the tank. It will give you nice gental flow throughout the tank.


New Member
well i just need to know a good size tank and what kind of filter and lights and i dont really what a sump is but dont worry i will research before i start


Active Member
Tank will depend on which horse you want. Another good place for your reseach would be seahorse dot org. First go read through the library over there. The question is really broad and difficult to give a good answer without more details of what you are planning on keeping. If money isn't too much of an issue and you aren't thinking dewarfs, go with a 55gal. MOST of the others would fit in there. If you give more info we can give more specifics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Tank will depend on which horse you want. Another good place for your reseach would be seahorse dot org. First go read through the library over there. The question is really broad and difficult to give a good answer without more details of what you are planning on keeping. If money isn't too much of an issue and you aren't thinking dewarfs, go with a 55gal. MOST of the others would fit in there. If you give more info we can give more specifics.

IMHO, I think the ponies(dwarf seahorse) are easier, if easy can be used with seahorses. 50 ponies will be very comfortable in a ten gallon tank. The ponies need live baby brine shrimp to eat; setting up the hatchery is a snap.
Ponies breed regularily, but only produce up to 14 fry. The other fun part is then you can trade with other pony owners to deversify your herd!


New Member
how are you supposed to hatch the baby brines?????and yes i think i would rather have dwarfs,but i need to know what the minimum size tank is for an erectus


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo135
how are you supposed to hatch the baby brines?????and yes i think i would rather have dwarfs,but i need to know what the minimum size tank is for an erectus

It's eaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssy. You purchase atermia, decapsulated baby brine shrimp eggs, and hatch them in your hatchery. I can send you all the info you need to set up the hatchery, it's really easy.
Ok....Lisa's's not for beginners, and easy can not really be associated with seahorse of any kind, but it is doable if you have the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo135
how are you supposed to hatch the baby brines?????and yes i think i would rather have dwarfs,but i need to know what the minimum size tank is for an erectus

First of all, please, please post what your sw experience is...this is very important to know regarding the keeping of seahorses!!
Contrary to Ryk's comments (sorry Ryk) but dwarf horses are NOT recommended for those just starting out with seahorses...heck, seahorses are NOT recommended for those just starting out with saltwater!!
Please post your saltwater experience and how it has gone. From there, hopefully we can direct you.
Sorry, but seahorse loss is not an option...


New Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
It's eaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssy. You purchase atermia, decapsulated baby brine shrimp eggs, and hatch them in your hatchery. I can send you all the info you need to set up the hatchery, it's really easy.
ok it would be great if you could send me all the info


New Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
First of all, please, please post what your sw experience is...this is very important to know regarding the keeping of seahorses!!
Contrary to Ryk's comments (sorry Ryk) but dwarf horses are NOT recommended for those just starting out with seahorses...heck, seahorses are NOT recommended for those just starting out with saltwater!!
Please post your saltwater experience and how it has gone. From there, hopefully we can direct you.
Sorry, but seahorse loss is not an option...
I had a swft about five years ago and i wanna get back into it with....SEAHORSES!!!!
and it went really good i had it for about two years, i still have the 24 aqaupod but it wasnt really amusing with fish so i want seahorses....i just took the fish back to the lfs,so thats my experience with swf keeping


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo135
I had a swft about five years ago and i wanna get back into it with....SEAHORSES!!!! and it went really good i had it for about two years, i still have the 24 aqaupod but it wasnt really amusing with fish so i want seahorses....i just took the fish back to the lfs,so thats my experience with swf keeping

Marge Simpson...Ohhhhhhh!!

Please find yourself comfortable with keeping saltwater fish first (just my opinion) then later...much later...delve into seahorses or some other species specific tank. That's just the best way to find success in this hobby...little by little and tons and tons of patience!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Marge Simpson...Ohhhhhhh!!
Please find yourself comfortable with keeping saltwater fish first (just my opinion) then later...much later...delve into seahorses or some other species specific tank. That's just the best way to find success in this hobby...little by little and tons and tons of patience!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Sorry Ryk, but based on Nemo135's sw keeping experience, he/she has very little experience, and it seems that the tank they had was turned over/given up for whatever reason. I just don't think that advising Nemo to go ahead and start a sh tank is the best step right you know these things take time...and lots of it.
Nemo, I stand firmly by my last post. If you would like help with that, I would be more than happy to help you out with setting up a sw tank!!
Just PM me.