seahorse reef question


Active Member
since my tang is dying (once again) I have decided to stay away from the tang family.
So I was thinking since I only have
3 OC clowns
1 baby mandrine
1 purple firefish
1 coral beauty
I was thinking of adding some sea horses
I have been doing research and this is what I have found so far
clowns- cool
coral beauty- unknown. but I did not see it on the list of never do not mix
as for corals
mushrooms- cool
zoos- cool
flowerpot- bad- will get rid of
coral tree- unknown- but I thought I saw pics of the horses using the coral tree to hang on to.
bubble coral- unknown
forgspawn- unknown
torch coral- unknown
short tenticle plate that never opens- probably ok
xenia- cool
christmas tree coral- uknown, but probably ok
so what do you sea horse people think?
if you can fill in the unknowns, it would be greatly appreciated.
if you think I can get some horsies, how many- I have a 90 gallon. I was thinking the more the better as it is easier to keep track of them


please leave the sea horses alone. They can't compete with any other fish for food and should really nly be kept by themselves.


Active Member
They belong in a species only tank, for the reasons stated above and they also need very low flow as it is hard for them to swim.


Active Member
By no means do I recommend sea horses going into tanks with clownfish. Clownfish are way too aggressive of eaters for sea horses. The mandarin would be totally fine, and the firefish would probably too, but definitely no clowns, and angels are pushing it too.
Sea horses really do need to be kept solitary, or with very docile fish like pipe fish and dragonets. My suggesstion is that if you can't keep tangs alive, you will have an even harder time with sea horses.
Everything said by the other posters is 100% accurate and it would not be fair to the sea horses to just give them a try because you feel like it. You do not have all of the proper conditions for them.


Bergamer, the angel will pick at seahorses fins. The seahorses would have to fight for food since they are not big hunters or fast eaters. If you plan to keep them they need to be in a species only tank. Contrary to some believe seahorses love to play in the current so they can handle low flow, just be sure not to blast them across the tank. I had a pair of mated mustangs for 2 years and lost them when I had to move my tank...guessing It caused an ammonia spike. They are great to have but it sounds like your set up is not right for them at this time. If you decide to do seahorses please research them and buy only CAPTIVE breed as they are more healthy and are already eating frozen foods. Good Luck