seahorse setup


I would ask this on a seahorse forum but it currently is having issues and I'm not able to see anything in the discussion board.
I currently have a 20g reef and a 39g cube(ish) FOWLR with just a fuzzy dwarf lion, urchin, and choc. chip star. I've been really interested in starting up a seahorse aquarium for awhile now and although I would LOVE to set up a nice 55/75g, I don't have the money to splurge on that. I am wanting to turn the 39g into a seahorse setup. I'm still uneasy on giving up my lion because I've grown attached so it's still all up in the air. What I'm wondering is if it'd be possible for me to consolidate both of my tanks if I do turn the 39 into a seahorse tank. I'd like to have two pairs of seahorses (captive bred), and all I have in my 20 right now is a pair of skunk clowns, a yellow watchman goby, 4 corals, cleaner shrimp, feather duster, conch, and hermits/snails. I'm worried this would be too much of a bioload if I consolidated the two with all those fish including the 2 pairs of seahorses. I would turn the 20g into a sump, put my coralife 65 skimmer, millenium 3000 (half LR rubble, half carbon) and maybe a UV sterilizer in the 20 and get some tubing to hook it up to the 39. But would 2 pairs of seahorses, a pair of small clowns, and a watchman goby be too much of a bioload even with that type of filtration setup?