
:happyfish First, I have done a ton of research and know the basics. I know all the equipment I will need for a "reef" or "fish only" tank. I am, however, having difficulty finding info on seahorse tanks. So I have a few questions:
:thinking: Do I need powerheads in a seahorse tank, considering they need a "low water motion tank"?
:thinking: Do I need a protien Skimmer to begin with, or is this an item I can afford to wait to buy?
:thinking: How much live rock should I buy if the fish I eventually desire are a mated pair of seahorses, dragonface pipefish, some green mandarin dragonets, and a dragon sea moth?
:thinking: If I attempt mated pairs of the above mentioned fish, will any other of the above mentioned fish eat their offspring?
:thinking: A 50 gallon tank is reccomended for the dragon sea moth. Will a 46 gallon bowfront tank be sufficient?
:thinking: The dragonface pipefish is said to feed on "red bugs" found in acropora coral. Does this mean that I should put this coral in the tank for them? If so, should I add the coral before adding any fish?
:notsure: I think that's about all the info I need to get started, although any help at all would be GREATLY appreciated! I'm simply trying to do as much research as possible and figure out exactly what I want in the tank before I get started. As well, I am trying to figure out how to minimize the start-up costs of this expensive hobby. Thank you so much in advance for any and all helpful replies!