Seahorse tank


My wife would like Seahorses, but i have triggers. What would be a good size tank for a seahorse only tank

tru conch

Active Member
i have heard of people setting up a mini tank just for seahorses in the 10 -20 gal range. i read about seahorse only set ups in idiots guide to saltwater tanks, you might want to check it out. you might have some luck with some of the nano reef pages. just remember that some seahorse will get larger than others. i have very little experience with seahorses because of their diet, so i stray away from them. good luck. hth


f.a.m.a. magazine started a seahorse column recently that is in every issue. i don't know much about keeping them, but the one i read was pretty detailed. you should check it out sometime...


Just recently, I read into seahorses... I think they're the cutest fish out I plan to get some sometime.. but I'm short on cash right now.
Seahorse tanks can be 10-50 gallons.. well more if you had the cash to stock it.
When doing a seahorse tank, you want to aim for a more vertical tank shape then horizontal. They like to swim up and down.
I would gt a 15-20 gallon tank, depending on how many I want. You could put 3 or 4 seahorses in a 15 gallon.
They're pretty difficult to feed and somewhat invonvient in that they don't live for very long.. so make sure your not biting off too much. :)
Good Luck,
ps- you might want to check out .. great msg board.


Yeah... <a href="" target="_blank"></a> will get you going in the right direction.
I am in the planning stages myself and have found lots of good info there!