Originally Posted by cadepeters
I was thinking about deviding up my 60 gallon aquarium with a peice of perferated plexyglass down the middle so that I could keep both a coral reef side and a seahorse side. The side for the seahorses would have less flow and mostly seahorses. How do you think that would work? Also is there a large differance in the tempurature needed for most corals and seahorses. I know that Zulu lulu sea horses require a much lower tempurature that corals.
That might work.....as far as the division. I can see the possibility of a few "problems". But most of these can be remedied with a good clean up crew. Also, seahorses have different problems and health issues than fish. I suggest seahorse dot org as a good place to start reading up. There are some horses than can be kept at the same temp as a reef. But there are many that can not. Again, do some research on the site I mentioned and once you decide which horses you want, then we can go from there.