seahorses in a 15 tall?


hey guys,
just got a 15 tall for free from a friend who didnt want it anymore. would it be possible to use this for a pair of seahorses? reidi, erectus or barbouri? dimentions are 15 wide x 21 tall. thanks

darth tang

Active Member
You could use it for Reidi.........I have seen it done...just no more than two. I personally wouldn't but it can be done.


You could put eight of the dwarfs "zosterae" in that. They only get about 1.5 inches. They will eat baby brine so you have to have a hatchery going all the time. I used to feed my baby brine crushed/powered fish food. I mean you really really have to pulverize the stuff. A good way to do this is put the flakes in a piece of notebook paper and fold the edge over. Then put your fingers on the outside of the paper over the flakes and roll the paper back in forth in your fingers. It will turn it into a fine dust. This is to ensure the seahorses get enough nutrients.
You also have to put a sponge over the intake of your filter if you dont want them and their babies to get sucked in.
Good luck


I plan on getting a 25-40gal hex when i setup my seahorse tank later on in life. I think that's a good size for a pair


Active Member
IMO a 15g is too big for dwarves because of the density of food needed to feed them. It would have to be flooded with BBS for them to get enough.
That size tank would be suitable for H. erectus, capensis, barbouri, histrix, reidi, or spinosissimus. Before you choose, make sure you do LOTS of research and only by captive breds.


Active Member
A 15 gal tank is way too small for a pair or even a single seahorse.I suggest you seek some info about keeping seahorses.