

New Member
I just recieved a group of Dwarf Seahorses out of Florida a week ago. Got 9 mixed horses Male/Female. Somewhere over the weekend I guess one of the males gave birth, my daughter found six babies in the tank. I had a few things die off and needed more sand for plants so decided to change to a new tank instead of adding sand the the exsiting tank. I relocated all of the adults and was able to find 3 of the babies. They seem to be doing well, with the brine shrimp and the plankton I'm feeding them.
Now for the question, and I am directing this to Watergal, but anyone is more than welcome to reply. Watergal got 2 horses at the beginning of the year, I am guessing larger ones. Mine are about 1 - 1 1/2 inches long. What Kind of luck did you have breading your horses, and what was your success rate on the fry. I am looking to do the same thing, am using these little guys for some experiance before going to the expense of buying the larger ones. Also did you get them from Ocean Rider or is there another breeder that you found?
Thanks for the help