

Hi There, I see that everyone who has seahorses has 10 gallon tanks is it safe to put them in a large tank maybe with other fish. :D :confused: :D


From what I have read on this BB and some of my own experiences before I knew any better, it is not a good idea to have seahorses with a lot of other fish. This is mostly because the other fish snap up all of the food before the seahorses can get it, as they don't move all that quickly. I think that most people keep them in seahorse only tanks. I could be wrong, but I don't think that they like a lot of current, either.


They should be in a dedicated tank. Other fish will outcompete them for food. You should add macros to the tank so they have something to grab onto with their tails. The macro will also provide a place for pods to reproduce so the horses will have a continous supply of live food. Seahorses need to be fed a lot. Some corals can also sting and injure or kill a seahorse. They can also be sucked into a powerhead very easily.