

Ok Ive been doing my reading on these cool creatures and I really like to do a 20 gallon seahorse tank just for fun. I probley wont start this project for another 6 months sence I would like to collect as much info on them as I can before I start trying to keep them. So if any one has any info they could give me about them please give it to me. Also if any one has a Seahorse tank as of now or did and has pictures can you post them for me so I can get some ideas. Like I said im going to wate awile before I even start that tank because im now just getting ready to set up my 100 gallon tank witch is going to be my first saltwater tank ever. Ive been keeping freshwater and brackish water sence I was a kid and I just wanna get the hang of the tank before I start something crazy like a seahorse tank lol. So help me please lol.....


I to am about to do sea horse tank from what I hear only get tank raised horses for the ocean breed are much harder to keep