

My sister and I are interested in setting up a small (1-10g) sea horse tank. I'm thinking we'll have to go with dwarf sea horses (is that what they're called) anyways, could someone tell me if this is hard, and what should I all buy to set the tank up?


Seahorses are hard to deal with. They have requirements that are special. You can repost this on the reef forum. There's someone on there that can give you more information.


I wouldnt try keeping seahorses in that tank unless you are going to attach it to a 30 gallon fuge. Thats the only way you'll get your water stable enough for seahorses.


Active Member

Originally posted by Fish_Boi
hey, i just set up my seahorse tank (2.5gal) and i just used the water from my 29 reef when i did a water change, skipped the nasty ol' cycle
but here's a pic of my setup:

Just so you know, most bacteria is actually on your substrate and rocks, you don't really avoid a cycle with using recycled water, but what you do is add water already stripped of some nutrients. If you added rock and sand from a cycled tank you would have a lot better chance of avoiding a cycle.


Active Member
Hi, If you really want to do the dwarfs I would get one of those 7 gallon bow front tanks. Not only do they look really cool, but they are a good size for dwarfs. Even the 5 bow front would be ok for the dwarfs, but I would not go any bigger or smaller than these sizes. The reason I would not go any bigger is that I tried to keep the pygme's in a 25 gallon once and the tank was too big to get the concentration of the baby brine high enough for them not to starve. These guys will not swim after their food....they just hitch their tails around something and wait for it to come to them. They are kind of a lot of work as one must constantly hatch live brine shrimp for them as they will not eat any dead food. A tank full of baby amphipods and copepods is nice for them, but they cannot be kept with hardly any other fish as they will eat them or kill them.
Ideally they could be kept in a well established refugium that had been up for at least 6 months, better a year. In a little tank you need to get some sponge type filter, or at least a regular filter inlet wrapped with a fine sponge type material so as not to suck the horses in or the baby brine up. The problem with the baby brine is that is sould be enriched with something called Selcon which adds some of the missing fatty acids. One needs to add a vitamin supplement somehow also as the brine are short on those. I think there are vitamin supplements that one can add to the water....don't know if they work. The small tank does need to be cycled for about a month even if you use old tank water. I would use some small pieces of live rock and later add some macro algea for them to hitch their tails on. If you could get a hold of some amphipod and copepod cultures and set the tank up for at least 4 months before you put the pygme horses in the tank you may have enough to help to supplement the baby brine that you must hatch for them. There is something called Life A that comes in a bottle of liquid which are brine shrimp eggs without the shell that hatch. You may be able to hatch these directly in the tank as hatching the baby brine got to be a real pain when I kept these guys. I had to have two seperate cultures going at a time. You cannot put the brine shrimp eggs with the shells in the tank as they may choke the horses and make a mess. I am not sure if the expensive Life A decapsulated eggs make as much of a mess, but they say you can put it directly into the tank. Do a searc on line for this as most LFS dont carry it. Didn't find this stuff until after I no longer had the horses. I may try them again with a 7 gallon bow front sometime, but I am going to grow all types of pods in the tank for at least 4 months before I put them in. It is a real pain to keep them fed with brine otherwise. Make sure that you also pay attention to the water quality and do a 20 to 30 percent water change ever two weeks. This is east in a little tank as 30 percent of 7 gallons is only about 2 gallons. Better to even do it more every 10 days if one does not run a skimmer.....and it's really hard to find a skimmer for a tiny tank.
The larger seahorses are just as difficult, and require at least about a 40 gallon tank. They need a deep tank as they mate in a deep water colum. They only mainly eat live food also, which is a pain. Good luck, Lesley


I'm going to have to stop you right there fish boi,
You have barely completed your cycle and by many of your posts, you are still very inexperienced. I am sure that you do not know how to keep your 29 gallon tank water paramters good enough for sea horses, not to mention a 2.5 gallon. The sand you took out of your other tank will help speed a cycle up, it will not eliminate it. There is really not enough bacteria there to sustain the tank. And i bet if you got that wate form your other tank, the nitrates by itself will be too high for seahorses.
As for people keeping them in fishbowls, I think that is a load of BS. And how would you know you can kee 6 in that tank? Have you tried it? Even the most experienced people have had trouble with seahorses. I'm sorry if this sounds like a flame, but its very frustrating when you see a mistake that will surely occur and everyone advises against it, but tehy dont listen. If you are going ahed to do it, and not take advise, why even be on this board?
This is the last I will say if ot. if you want to kill a few seahorses, be my guest....


Active Member
FishBoi still seems to have the adolescent "screw the world" attitude but it appears that he may have actually listened for once.
Knowing that there is a high chance of failure actually increases your chance for success. Listening to, instead of swearing at, people who have had failures and who regret them, will allow you to gain from their experience. Learning from mistakes is much more likely to allow you to keep seahorses then to copy someone who has had beginner's luck for a short period of time.


yeah, I didnt read the occupation where it says highschool. That explains a lot. Not to say all kids are like that, but it does explain alot.


Active Member
Hi coreysebes,
If you were to do dwarves I would recommend a 2 gallon but I highly recommend you have had a tank of saltwater prior to this. THe maintanace on such a small tank would be extremely tough. I would recommend you stay away from them for a little while more. :/... well goodluck



Originally posted by jedininja
yeah, I didnt read the occupation where it says highschool. That explains a lot. Not to say all kids are like that, but it does explain alot.

This does not explain anything! just because we are young dosent mean we are "stupid kids"!


New Member

Originally posted by New_Noob
This does not explain anything! just because we are young dosent mean we are "stupid kids"!

If you cant spell doen't right i sugest you stay away from any difficult fish keeping


Active Member

Originally posted by New_Noob
This does not explain anything! just because we are young dosent mean we are "stupid kids"!

I don't believe high school kids were called stupid. I think the point was that high school kids often hate to get advice other than what they want to hear and they get very defensive and think that they are being picked on when that is not the case. I know I took criricism alot worse than I do now. It's the whole growing up thing. Don't take offense to it. It's a given that with age comes maturity in most cases.
Fish-Boi you started this and admited you bent the truth so now you get to sit back and enjoy are opinions whether you want to drop it or not.


Active Member

Originally posted by ettienem
If you cant spell doen't right i sugest you stay away from any difficult fish keeping

That is the cheapest shot I have seen in a long time. Maybe I am wrong but is doen't even a word. people type fast and are bound to miss spell words:notsure: